About us
Mirosław Wróblewski - President of the Personal Data Protection Office

Organizational Structure of the Authority
Mirosław Wróblewski
President of the Office
Agnieszka Grzelak
Deputy President of the Office
Konrad Komornicki
Deputy President of the Office
Robert Tyszewicz
Director of the Office
Adam Furmańczuk
Complaints and Breaches Preliminary Assessment Department
Paulina Dawidczyk
Complaints Department
Monika Krasińska
Law and New Technologies Department
Jacek Młotkiewicz
Inspections and Breaches Department
Wojciech Trebnio
Fines and Enforcement Department
Karol Witowski
Communications Department
Maria Owczarek
International Cooperation Department
Anna Grzelak
Social Projects and Sustainable Development Department
Anna Dudkowska
Educational Initiatives Department
Agnieszka Gach
Organisational and Administrative Department
Artur Klepacki
IT and Cybersecurity Department
Piotr Drobek
Departament Innowacyjności i Zarządzania Danymi
Maria Jęda
Główny Koordynator ds. Wielkoskalowych Systemów Informacyjnych UE
Ilona Bogusławska
Finance and Human Resources Department
Michał Bałdyga
Legal Advisors Team
Robert Miętkowski
Independent Position of Data Protection Officer
Agata Czerska
Independent Position for the Protection of Classified Information
Katarzyna Ziemiecka-Matalińska
Internal Audit Department
The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) is the EU body responsible for the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as from May 25th 2018. The Board replaced the Article 29 Data Protection Working Party, established under Directive 95/46/EC. Established in Art. 68 of the GDPR as a body of the European Union with legal personality. The Board shall be composed of the head of one supervisory authority of each Member State and of the European Data Protection Supervisor, or their respective representatives. The European Commission shall have the right to participate in the activities and meetings of the Board without voting right. The Board’s Secretariat is provided by the EDPS.