Initiatives to prepare codes of conduct

Draft codes of conduct that have not yet been submitted to the supervisory authority for approval, but are under preparation:

  •  Code of Conduct on Personal Data Protection (for Medical Universities)

- code owner: Uczelnie Członkowskie Konferencji Rektorów Akademickich Uczelni Medycznych „KRAUM" (member universities of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Medical Universities)

- contact details: Secretariat of the Chairman of the KRAUM – Gdański Uniwersytet Medyczny (Gdańsk Medical University), 3a Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie St., 80-210 Gdańsk, e-mail address:, tel. 58 349 17 19; Magdalena Dłużewska, e-mail address: Website:,

  •  Code of Conduct on the principles of processing of personal data of hotel guests

- code owner: Izba Gospodarcza Hotelarstwa Polskiego „IGHP" (the Economic Chamber of Polish Hotel Management),
- contact details: Marcin Mączyński - secretary of IGHP e-mail address:, Łukasz Łyczkowski – attorney-at-law, e-mail address:, website:,

  • Code of Conduct on Personal Data Protection for the Water Supply and Sewage Industry

- code owner: IGWP Izba Gospodarcza ,,Wodociągi Polskie'' (Chamber of Commerce ,,Wodociągi Polskie"), Paweł Sikorski - attorney-at-law, Chamber expert, e-mail address:,

  • Code of conduct for the medical research industry

- code owner: INFARMA. Związek Pracodawców Innowacyjnych Firm Farmaceutycznych (The Employers' Union of Innovative Pharmaceutical Companies INFARMA), e-mail address:;

  • Code of Conduct for Common Courts [covering activities that are not part of the judicial activity]

- code owner: group of data protection officers from appellate and district courts, e-mail address:,

  • Code of personal data handling in local government units (for local government units)

- code owner: Instytut Szkoleniowo – Doradczy (the Training and Consulting Institute), 93-453 Lodz, 116/7 Gdanska St., and Związek Województw RP (the Union of Voivodships of the Republic of Poland), 5/7 Świętojerska St., 00-236 Warsaw,, e-mail address:

The above list does not include draft codes of conduct that have been submitted to the supervisory body for approval. The list can be found here.