A visit at the Personal Data Protection Office by delegations from the Czech Republic and Germany
The exchange of experience and best practices was the purpose of the visit at the Personal Data Protection Office of representatives of supervisory authorities from the Czech Republic and Germany. The visit, which lasted from 8 to 26 May 2023, took place as part of a special initiative of the European Data Protection Board – EDPB Secondment Programme.
During the visit, guests representing the Rhineland-Palatinate Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of information in Germany and Personal Data Protection Office in Prague became acquainted with the organisation and tasks of the Polish supervisory authority.
- We invited representatives of both supervisory authorities at the same time.
This enabled the exchange of experiences and best practices not only between representatives of the Personal Data Protection Office and guests from abroad, but also between representatives of offices from the Czech Republic and Germany - said Anna Dudkowska, Director of the International Cooperation and Education Department.
The guests visiting the Polish supervisory authority exchanged experiences with experts of the Personal Data Protection Office relating to a number of tasks inter alia the implementation of international cooperation issues, including within the framework of the EDPB and coordination of the IMI system. The complains handling procedures and conducting administrative proceedings in this area where also discussed. In addition, the practical aspects of ensuring the implementation of administrative decisions’ orders were addressed.
During the visit, the guest also looked at the fulfilment of duties related to the conduct of inspections, the acceptance of data breach notifications, cooperation with data protection officers. They also learned about the progress of works on cooperation in connection with initiatives concerning submitting draft codes of conduct. They looked at the process of giving opinions on legislative acts. They shared their thoughts on conducting communication activities through the infoline.
The EDPB Secondment Programme was established by the European Data Protection Board in 2019 on the basis of the General Data Protection Regulation, based on Article 70(1)(v). This provision requires the EDPB to ensure consistent application of the GDPR. To this end, on its own initiative or, where appropriate, at the request of the Commission, the EDPB shall take measures to “promote common training programmes and facilitate personnel exchanges between the supervisory authorities and, where appropriate, with the supervisory authorities of third countries or with international organisations”.