The President of the Polish SA met with the Association of of Data Protection Practitioners
The President of the Personal Data Protection Office, Mirosław Wróblewski, along with his employees, met today with representatives of the Association of Data Protection Practitioners, including its President Magdalena Sołtysiak.
-Today’s meeting demonstrated the need for direct and open discussions with community of data protection officers, without whose knowledge and involvement it will not be possible to ensure a high level of personal data protection in public and private sector organisations. The demands made by the community are particularly valuable to us and will be taken into account in further actions of the Personal Data Protection Office. We hope that the dialogue conducted with the community of data protection officers and actions aimed at improving communication with them will contribute to building the trust in mutual relations- said Mirosław Wróblewski, the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
Representatives of the Association of Data Protection Practitioners presented their organisation and the activities they are undertaking or planning within it. Among these initiatives, educational activities aimed at children and youth people were particularly highlighted.
The meeting discussed the challenges of ensuring compliance with personal data protection law in a changing regulatory environment and advancing technological developments, in particular as regards artificial intelligence. The meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss educational support for data protection officers and controllers and ensuring effective communication between them and the Personal Data Protection Office.
The visit is the second in a series of meetings between the President of the Personal Data Protection Office and organisations representing different communities of data protection officers.