The President of the Polish SA met with the organiser of the Tour de Constitution project
The Personal Data Protection Office will support initiatives carried out as part of the Tour de Constitution. The President of the Personal Data Protection Office Mirosław Wróblewski declared this at the meeting with Robert Wojda, the President of the KORD Foundation and organiser of the Tour de Constitution project.
The meeting between the President Wróblewski with Robert Hojda took place on 21 March 2024 and concerned the development of civil society and raising data protection awareness.
“Improving the public’s knowledge of constitutional rights, often coinciding with the provisions of the GDPR, is one of the statutory goals of the Tour de Constitution and the Personal Data Protection Office. I firmly believe that educational activities raising the public awareness on important topics such as data protection and human’s rights make great sense and should be supported by our Office”, said Mirosław Wróblewski, the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
The Tour de Constitution is a series of public meetings across Poland dedicated to the rights enshrined in the Constitution, organised since 2021. They are prepared by lawyers as well as local activists committed to supporting human’s rights.
The Constitution guarantees the right to privacy in Article 47, the protection of privacy of communication in Article 49, it also states – in Article 51 – that ‘no one may be obligated, expect on the basis of statute, to disclose information concerning his person’, and ‘public authorities shall not acquire, collect nor make accessible information on citizens other than that which is necessary in a democratic state ruled by law’.