The Personal Data Protection Office again at the workshop on the Constitution
The Personal Data Protection Office once again took part in the meeting held as part of the Tour de Constitution workshop for schools.
This time, representatives of the Personal Data Protection Office shared their knowledge in the field of protection of fundamental rights, which include, inter alia, the protection of personal data, with students of the Piotr Skarga High School in Grójec. The workshop was held on the initiative of the KORD Foundation, and their aim is to promote knowledge about constitutional rights among young people and to encourage them to take up civic activities.
Natalia Misiuk, Director of the High Tech Department of the Personal Data Protection Office, discussed issues related to the Constitution, its significance for society and the rights guaranteed to children and young people by the Polish law. She also explained the role of the State in enforcing these rights. In her speech, she stressed the importance of new technologies and data protection and privacy.
The workshop ended with a discussion that allowed for a deeper understanding that technological development brings both opportunities and challenges. She made young people aware of the importance of shaping digital awareness from an early age, and highlighted the role of education in preparing children and young people for life in a rapidly changing world.
During the discussions, there was also a reflection on how technology affects our lives and how we can use new opportunities in a safe and responsible way.