The Michał Serzycki Data Protection Award 2024 granted
Joanna Hałoń-Gnutek, PhD, was awarded the seventh edition of the Michał Serzycki Award. She was honoured for her innovative methods of teaching and for bringing the issue of data protection closer to students in practice.
The award was presented in person by the President of the Personal Data Protection Office during a conference organised by the Personal Data Protection Office in cooperation with the Ombudsman for Children entitled ‘Challenges for the Protection of Children's Personal Data’.
‘I read this award today as a confirmation of the meaningfulness of my work in education on a daily basis. It shows me that our small, micro initiatives translate into inspiration and into supporting the declamation, the proclamation of these important issues in some broader scope as well,’ said an emotional laureate when receiving the award.
Joanna Hałoń-Gnutek is a doctor of humanities in the field of literary studies and a certified teacher. As an employee of the Adam Mickiewicz Primary School No. 4 in Lublin and the Non-public Children Montessori Primary School in Lublin, she coordinates the programme „Your data – Your concern”. The activities she undertakes contribute to raising students' knowledge and awareness of personal data protection and the right to privacy, which is particularly valuable in an era of rapid development of modern technologies and digital transformation.
The Programme leader is keen to share her knowledge and experience, and the lesson plans she has prepared have been included in the ‘Your data - Your concern’ programme's database of educational materials and provide support for further Programme participants to organise interesting lessons with students.
As a result of the actions taken by Dr Hałoń-Gnutek, in 2021, the Adam Mickiewicz Primary School No. 4 in Lublin took first place in the national competition of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office for the best educational initiative and was awarded the ‘Golden Pen’ statuette. It then took second place in 2023, in the same competition.
The Michal Serzycki Award
The Michal Serzycki Award, which was inaugurated in 2018 by Edyta Bielak-Jomaa, PhD, then President of the Personal Data Protection Office, honours those who contribute to broadening awareness of privacy and the role of data protection in a wide range of fields and environments.
The patron of the award - Michał Serzycki - held the position of the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection of the 3rd term. One of the results of his activities was the initiation of large-scale information and education activities of the personal data protection authority.