The sixth webinar in the ‘Certification in Data Protection’ series
We would like to invite you to participate in the 6th webinar in the ‘Certification in Data Protection’ series, which will be held on 22 May 2024 (Wednesday), at 10.00 a.m. via the Personal Data Protection Office’s website - link to webcast:
During the meeting, we will touch upon the subject of accreditation of certification bodies, which will be presented by Paweł Mazur, the Head of the Department of Accreditation, , Inspections, Certification of Products and Persons from the Polish Centre for Accreditation.
Event agenda:
- The Polish Centre for Accreditation – the national accreditation body. Principles of operation of the accreditation system.
- The accreditation and surveillance process for conformity assessment bodies.
- The accreditation of product certification bodies in the GDPR task area - requirements and conditions.
At the same time, we would like to inform all those interested in the topic of certification that recordings of previous meetings and the content of the Additional Accreditation Requirements for Certification Bodies approved on 8 December 2023 by the President of the Personal Data Protection Office are available in the Certification tab.