It is time to revise the Personal Data Protection Office’s guides - we look forward to hearing from
We want our materials to be understandable and responsive to the key concerns of our partners as well as representatives of business, institutions, social organisations and the public. We are therefore inviting comments on the Personal Data Protection Office’s guides posted on the website. To begin with, we are announcing a consultation on two guides. Comments on them can be submitted until 21 June 2024.
It is now six years since the start of the application of the GDPR. This is an opportune moment to look at the content of the guides, the procedures, to consider whether they meet today's challenges and, if necessary, to update the supervisory authority's recommendations. The Personal Data Protection Officeis today starting the process of revising these documents and wants to include the voice of all stakeholders. We want to open up to the voices of the market and the public, because without this, the right to privacy and knowing how to process personal data lawfully will not take root in our country. Open consultation is crucial for our office, because this is the only way we can build knowledge about personal data protection and make it turn into the correct application of the provisions of the GDPR and real guarantees for the protection of our data.
We want to put a number of guides published on the Office's website out for consultation. We will be collecting comments, questions and suggestions for change. Working in consultation mode means that the voices collected will be analysed by the Personal Data Protection Office and comments can actually influence the shape of the documents.
To begin with, we would like to collect comments on two Personal Data Protection Office’s guides.
- The guide on data processing in employment ‘Personal data protection in the workplace. Guide for employers’; 2018.
- The guide on responding to data breaches ‘How controllers should deal with data protection breaches’; 2019.
The aim of the consultation is not only that the guides are up-to-date from the point of view of current law, but that they respond to today's challenges and the dilemmas and concerns of users.
The comments and suggestions collected will be published on the Personal Data Protection Office’s website after the consultation and will be taken into account when designing the changes to the Personal Data Protection Office’s guides. This will make the consultation process transparent and all participants will be able to see what their contribution is to changing the consulted documents. Publication will, of course, entail providing data, as this will allow us to acknowledge the authorship of comments. In the case of institutions, we will limit ourselves to their names, in the case of individuals - if they agree - to their first and last name, together with any affiliation.
We are waiting for comments, questions and feedback until 21 June 2024.
Comments on the guide ‘Personal data protection in the workplace. Guide for employers’ should be addressed at poradnik_zatrudnienie@uodo.gov.pl
For comments on the guide ‘How controllers should deal with data protection breaches’, please contact poradnik_naruszenia@uodo.gov.pl
Comments sent by any other means will not be taken into account in the consultation.
For security reasons, please write your comments in the body of the email and do not send attachments.
We look forward to your comments!
Information on data processing (see appendix for full information):
The controller of your personal data is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, the Stawki Street 2, 00-193 Warsaw, contact details: https://uodo.gov.pl/pl/p/kontakt.
We will process your personal data in order to carry out the consultation of the Personal Data Protection Office’s guides. In addition, if you express your consent, we will publish your names and surnames as authors of the comments and suggestions made in the consultation on the Personal Data Protection Office’s website.
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For more information on the processing of your personal data, please see the information clause.
If, as individuals, you agree to your names and surnames being made public, please attachthe following statement of consent with your comments:
‘I consent to the processing of my personal data by the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, the Stawki Street 2, 00-193 Warsaw, as the author/s of comments and suggestions submitted as part of the Personal Data Protection Office’s guides consultation, for the purpose of their publication on the Personal Data Protection Office’s website.’
You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, the withdrawal of consent will not affect the processing that was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.