You can now read the comments on the Personal Data Protection Office’s guides
We have completed the public consultation on the two Personal Data Protection Office’s guides and we are publishing all the comments received by the Office as part of the consultation.
To meet public and market expectations, the Personal Data Protection Office launched an open consultation on 21 May 2024, so that anyone interested can contribute their comments, questions or proposals to the two Personal Data Protection Office’s guides:
- The 2018 guide on data processing in recruitment ‘Data Protection in the Workplace. A guide for employers’,
- The 2019 guide on responding to personal data breaches ‘How controllers should deal with data protection breaches’.
We would like to thank you for the very positive response to our invitation and the numerous contributions to the consultation: 39 entities sent their comments to the guide on data processing in recruitment and 21 to the guide on responding to personal data breaches.
Comments on the 2018 guide: ‘Data protection in the workplace. A guide for employers‘ can be read under: https://uodo.gov.pl/pl/579
Comments on the 2019 guide: ‘How controllers should handle data protection breaches’ can be read under: https://uodo.gov.pl/pl/578
Mirosław Wróblewski, President of the Personal Data Protection Office, would like to thank all those who joined in such large numbers in the project of jointly shaping content relevant to building knowledge and awareness of personal data protection.
- ‘Such cooperation, on the one hand, strengthens the understanding of the activities of the supervisory authority and, on the other hand, brings closer the expectations of society, the market and the professional circles in the field of data protection and privacy as to the shape of the proposed changes’. - Mirosław Wróblewski summarised the consultation process.
The Personal Data Protection Office will analyse and address the comments collected and develop updated Guides. The Guides will also be the subject of consultation with the members of the Social Team of Experts to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.