
Polish SA discusses processing of personal data in the rail transport sector

The President of the Personal Data Protection Office, Mirosław Wróblewski, met with the President of the Office of Rail Transport, Ignacy Góra, at the Driver Examination and Monitoring Centre. The topics of the talks included issues related to monitoring in the driver's cabin and processing personal data from such recordings, as well as monitoring of rail-road crossings.

The meeting discussed concerns raised by market operators regarding the 2011 recommendations of the State Commision on Railway Accident Investigation (PKBWK). This concerns the recommendation to install digital cameras or video recorders in railway vehicles to record the image in front of the vehicle and the sound in the driver's cabin. According to the Commission, such recordings can help to establish the causes and circumstances of incidents and formulate appropriate preventive measures.

The meeting analysed the impact of the State Commision on Railway Accident Investigation’s recommendations on employees' rights. Representatives of the Personal Data Protection Office highlighted the necessity to introduce legal regulations that will define the purpose of data processing and the rules of access to data. It was emphasised that any changes to the provisions should be preceded by a data protection impact assessment, as well as prior consultation may be necessary.

The President of the Personal Data Protection Office and the Presidents of the Office of Rail Transport have pledged to work together to develop statutory amendments in order to ensure rail transport security while respecting privacy.