The Sejm has heard the Report of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office
On 5 December 2024, during the 23rd meeting of the Sejm (lower chamber of the Parliament) of the Republic of Poland, Mirosław Wróblewski, the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, presented the Report on the activities of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office in 2023.
The Report implements Article 59 of the GDPR and Article 50 of the Act of 10 May 2018 on the Protection of Personal Data. The document contains conclusions and key findings of the statutory tasks performed and the resulting assessment of the state of compliance with data protection legislation in Poland. It provides an insight into the functioning of the authority, the cases conducted and the strategic actions taken.
One of the tasks of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office is to handle complaints received by the supervisory authority. In 2023, the Office received 6,962 complaints, which concerned, among others, neighbourhood related matters, such as video surveillance of private properties or staircases, data processing by employers, financial institutions or government administration authorities.
In 2023, the Personal Data Protection Office received as well 14,069 personal data breach notifications from controllers. These incidents are most often related to incorrectly addressed correspondence, making data available to the wrong person, incorrect anonymisation of data or inadvertent publication of data, e.g. on a website. Breaches involving paper documentation being lost, stolen or left in an unsecured location or loss of a data carrier are also common. Some data breaches also occur as a result of hacking attacks or application errors that allow unauthorised access to resources.
In 2023 the President of the Personal Data Protection Office exercised the right to apply administrative fines in 30 cases, imposing administrative fines on 31 entities in the total amount of PLN 1,230,331.28.
We invite you to become acquainted with the Synthesis of the Report on the activities of the President of the Personal Data Protection Office attached below, which contains a description of the most important activities of the supervisory authority.