Organisational changes at the Personal Data Protection Office
President Mirosław Wróblewski has introduced organisational changes at the Personal Data Protection Office, which are intended to streamline the Office's activities and shorten the time it takes to process cases. They also aim to increase the effectiveness of raising awareness of personal data protection in society and to intensify the activity of the Polish SA at the international forum. The changes also take into account the Authority's new tasks with regard to legal and technological developments concerning data. The changes are effective from 1 January 2025.
"I have decided to make organisational changes to improve the functioning of the Personal Data Protection Office. I trust that they will effectively improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our activities. Our task is not only to supervise the application of data protection regulations, but also to disseminate data protection knowledge. Hence the even greater emphasis on information, education and social initiatives," said Mirosław Wróblewski, President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
Since 1 January this year, the Complaints and Breaches Preliminary Assessment Department has been operating within the Polish SA, which receives complaints and personal data breach notifications in the first instance, in order to verify them formally and assess the seriousness of the problem. It also includes an Infoline, which is gaining new opportunities for development.
International matters, including cooperation with other supervisory authorities, within the European Data Protection Board, the conduct of cross-border proceedings, data transfers to third countries and international organisations, and certification are handled by the newly established International Cooperation Department. Formerly, these competences were combined with educational activities, which are now the focus of the Educational Initiatives Department, responsible for data protection awareness education in the broad sense. It deals with the dissemination of data protection knowledge, including through the development of educational programmes and the organisation of training, conferences and other educational initiatives.
Social Projects and Sustainable Development Department is in charge of developing cooperation with, among others, NGOs and community groups. It will also coordinate the Office's regional activities within the framework of the “The Polish SA on tour across Poland”.
The department dealing with the analysis and evaluation of legislation (formerly the Case Law and Legislation Department) has gained new competences after the changes and, in addition, now deals with the analysis of new technologies and their impact on the protection of personal data. It now operates under the name: Law and New Technologies Department.
At the same time, other organisational changes have also been introduced in the organisational units of the Polish SA to improve the Office's functioning.
"I made the organisational changes as a result of a careful analysis of the departments' performance carried out last year, after hundreds of discussions and meetings primarily with the employees of the Office. I believe that together with my deputies and all my colleagues in the Office, we will be able to do even better for the effective protection of personal data in our country. It should also be borne in mind that probably this year the Office will be facing further changes related to the adoption by the Office of new tasks related to the implementation of the EU Data Governance Act into the Polish legal order. Strengthening the Office and its resources is therefore an ongoing task," emphasises Mirosław Wróblewski.
For a list of all departments functioning in the Personal Data Protection Office, please see the Organizational Structure of the Authority: https://uodo.gov.pl/en/478.