Webinar - updated Personal Data Protection Office guide on data breaches
The President of the Personal Data Protection Office invites you to participate in a webinar to introduce the subject matter of the updated Personal Data Protection Office guide on data breaches.
The webinar will take place on 28 March from 10:00 - 12:30 Link to attend:
The event was divided into four main thematic areas:
- Introduction - Miroslaw Wróblewski, President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
- Discussion of the need for the guide and the process of its creation - Mirosław Gumularz, PhD, Chairman of the Social Team of Experts to the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
- Discussion of the public consultation of the guide - Jacek Młotkiewicz, Director of the Inspections and Breaches Department of the Personal Data Protection Office.
- Discussion of the guide on the grounds of GDPR, duties of controllers related to personal data breaches - Bartłomiej Kowalski, specialist in the Inspections and Breaches Department of the Personal Data Protection Office..
During the meeting, the content of the guide will be discussed in detail. There will be no shortage of practical examples and any doubts will be clarified. Participants will be able to enjoy an open, moderated chat.
‘You are invited to participate in a webinar during which we will present the guide and try to clarify possible doubts of interpretation. I am convinced that the updated guide will contribute to a better understanding of the issues related to breach notification and will make the controllers' task easier,’ - emphasised Mirosław Wróblewski, President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
The event will be recorded and then made available on the Personal Data Protection Office’s website.