Public consultation on the application of the Act on the protection of whistleblowers
Dear Sir or Madam,
On 24 June 2024, the Act on the protection of whistleblowers was published in the Journal of Laws. Data protection is an important element of the protection regime for whistleblowers (and other persons affected by the legislation). At the same time, the legislation may raise doubts in many aspects (as we wrote about in the communication available under the link: https://uodo.gov.pl/pl/138/3136).
Based on the sent comments, questions and concerns, the President and the employeesof the Personal Data Protection Office, with the support of the Social Team of Experts, will prepare explanations to be presented at an open meeting (in the form of a seminar).
The seminar is planned for the first half of August, which will allow legal entities to benefit from the knowledge gained during the seminar even before the law's entry into force date.
The publication of submitted comments, questions and concerns involves providing data so that the authorship of the submissions can be acknowledged. In the case of institutions, we will limit ourselves to their names, in the case of individuals - if they agree - to their first and last name, together with any affiliation.
Please send your comments to email: konsultacjesygnalisci@uodo.gov.pl
We look forward to receiving comments, questions and feedback until 22.07.2024.
Comments sent by any other means will not be included in the consultation.
For security reasons, please write your comments in the body of the email and do not send attachments.
We look forward to receiving your comments!
Information on data processing (see appendix for full information):
The controller of your personal data is the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, Stawki Street 2, 00-193 Warsaw, contact details: https://uodo.gov.pl/pl/p/kontakt.
We will process your personal data in order to prepare an open seminar (organised by the President of the Personal Data Protection Office with the support of the Social Team of Experts) on the Act of 14 June 2024 on the protection of whistleblowers. In addition, if you give us your consent, we will publish your names as authors of comments and suggestions, submitted as part of the consultation, on the Personal website.
In relation to the processing of your personal data, you have the right to: access your data and receive a copy of your data, rectify (‘correct’) your data, erase your data where you have previously consented to the processing of your data, request restriction of the processing of your data, object to the processing of your data and file a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
For more information on the processing of your personal data, please see the information clause.
If, as individuals, you agree to your names being made public, please include the following statement of consent with your submitted comments:
‘I consent to the processing by the President of the Personal Data Protection Office, 2Stawki Street, 00-193 Warsaw, of my personal data, as author/s of comments and suggestions submitted as part of the Personal Data Protection Office guidance consultation, for publication on the Personal Data Protection Office website’.
You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. However, the withdrawal of consent will not affect the processing that was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal.